The Best of the Great Trail Vol. 2

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What is the longest, most exciting hiking and cycling trail in the world? It can only be The Great Trail. Spanning the entirety of Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans, this improbable route covers 24,000 kilometres.

The Best of The Great Trail is the essential companion to this national trail. In volume 2, Michael Haynes completes his two-book set on The Great Trail, leading hikers and cyclists through thirty "must-see" trails of Western Canada in five provinces.

Beginning in downtown Victoria, Haynes sets off for the forests and coasts of Vancouver Island before heading east into British Columbia's mountainous interior, the foothills of Alberta, the plains of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the rugged terrain of northern Ontario. Along the way, he explores the imposing Rocky Mountains, the grasslands of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the unforgiving shoreline of Lake Superior, and the urban centres of Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg.

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