Leave No Trace
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- By Track 'N Trail
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Before carbon footprints and a green economy were a thing, we were there. We live, work and play in an outdoor environment where we get to enjoy the great outdoors and so that means that not only do we believe in our motto, Take It Outside, but we also have long believed in Leave No Trace.
We vow to work with companies who practice ethical environmental responsibility and to practice that same accountability in ourselves. We've long been recyclers, but we believe accountability goes further than that which is why we support initiatives like Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) campaigns. Recently Protect Your Headwaters was recently donated $3000 on behalf of Track N Trail and Patagonia. We have also donated our film festival proceeds to wildlife rehabilitation (Wild North). If we want to enjoy our time outside and lessen our environmental impact, at Track N Trail, we believe we all need to play a role and we're happy to contribute and lead in our community where we can.
Additionally, we recently expressed our concern in an open letter to the 2020 Alberta government about the potential park closures and limitations, impacting the Riverlot 56 area in our own backyard.
Further, we have advocated with CPAWS to Defend Alberta Parks and actively promote Defend Alberta Parks stickers and buttons at our tills which generate a lot of interest and conversation about what our government can do to assist in protecting our parks and the environment.